Categories, Criteria & Nominations

Saint Mary’s University Sport Hall of Fame 

1. Purpose 

The purpose of the Saint Mary’s University Sport Hall of Fame is to recognize those individuals and teams who have made a significant contribution and achievement of excellence with the athletic programs at Saint Mary’s University, and who, as a result of this contribution, have enhanced the image and reputation of the institution. 

2. Values

  • preserving & honouring Saint Mary’s University Athletics History
  • celebrating excellence in Saint Mary’s University People
  • serving the greater Saint Mary’s University Community
  • enhance the reputation of the Saint Mary’s University Community
  • promote Saint Mary’s University Athletics & Recreation

3. Administration

Saint Mary’s Sport Hall of Fame is administered by a Steering Committee who serves the University in a capacity to assist with the Hall of Fame. The Steering Committee is a broadly based committee, which will select its chair. 

4. Meetings 

  • Steering Committee meetings are normally held as required and as deemed necessary by the committee membership. A Quorum of fifty (50%) per cent plus one (1) is needed to conduct a meeting. 
  • Sub-committees formed from the Steering Committee will report back to the Steering Committee for a final decision.

5. Funding

Funding is provided through the Department of Athletics & Recreation’s budget with assistance from other departments (i.e., Alumni Office, as is necessary) 

6. Tenure

Tenure for all committee members, with the exception of ex-officio members, is to be five (5) years, A committee member that has completed his/her tenure may be re-appointed by consensus of the Steering Committee.  

Steering Committee Membership  

  1. Director of Athletics & Recreation or designate  
  2. Director of Saint Mary's Alumni and/or President of Alumni Association  
  3. President of Saint Mary’s Students’ Association, Inc. or student representative (could also be a current athlete) 
  4. Saint Mary’s University Community representatives: very knowledgeable about athletics at Saint Mary’s University
  5. Two former Huskies student athletes/alumni – one male and one female  
  6. A current Huskies student athlete within the Athletics Program 
  7. A current Huskies head coach within the Athletics Program 
  8. Saint Mary's Department of Athletics & Recreation Communications officer 
  9. A Saint Mary's University Archivist 

Lifetime Appointment – Doug Wright 

At times the committee on recommendation of the Director A&R can appoint a person or persons as lifetime member of this committee 

Note: Administrative support is shared between the Department of Athletics & Recreation from among their staff members and staff in the Alumni Office. In addition to its role, the Steering Committee is responsible for:  

  • Procuring University Athletic memorabilia;  
  • Ensuring memorabilia is properly registered, catalogued, conserved, stored and displayed;  
  • Overseeing the continual growth and enhancement of the Sport Hall of Fame in the Homburg Centre; 
  • Organizing all aspects of the Induction Reception/Luncheon;  
  • Organizing all aspects of the Induction Ceremony; and  
  • Maintaining membership, as appropriate, in organizations related to the Sport Hall of Fame 

7. Implementation 

Saint Mary’s University Sport Hall of Fame was inaugurated during Homecoming 1995. Inductions are normally held annually during Homecoming weekend. 

8. Induction Categories

  • Athlete 
  • Builder 
  • Team

9. Selection Criteria 

A) Athlete  

  • Individuals shall be eligible for selection if they participated as a student-athlete at Saint Mary’s University for at least two (2) varsity seasons and have: 3 seasons and must be a SMU graduate 
  • The Committee where merited will entertain nominations of less than 3 years where appropriate – i.e. Graduate level student who represented for 2 years and graduated 
  • Must have been recognized for competing at a high level during their time of participation. The athlete should have received recognition by the University, the AUS and/or the U SPORTS / CIS / CIAU and:  
    • Been named a first team U SPORTS / CIS / CIAU All-Canadian, AUS All Star or U SPORTS / CIS / CIAU / AUS Major Award Winner or
    • Won a U SPORTS / CIS / CIAU national championship, or
    • Set a national or world record, or
    • Participated in the Olympic Games, FISU Games, or World Championships, or
    • Participated on a national team, or
    • Led the nation in a recognized statistical category, or
    • Succeeded as a professional athlete 

Normally, consideration for selection will be given to an athlete following a minimum five (5) year waiting period following their last participation as a varsity athlete. A former student-athlete shall be first eligible for selection five (5) full academic years after last representing Saint Mary’s University in competition and Graduation from the University. 

Other factors which will be considered for selection include: the athlete’s achievements in provincial, national and international athletic competitions while representing Saint Mary’s University; character; leadership; non-athletic service to the University community; and achievement(s) in later life. 

B) Builder  

  • Must have made a significant contribution to Saint Mary’s University other than as an athlete. Persons who served as coaches, trainers, managers, administrators, community stakeholders, support staff, etc. and who have made a major contribution to the development and growth of Saint Mary’s University’s athletics program shall be eligible for induction in the Builder category. 
  • A member of the University community who has made a significant contribution to Saint Mary’s University athletics  
  • Normally, consideration for selection as a builder will not be given to an individual until 5 years after their initial involvement/appointment 

 C) Team 

  • Must have achieved conference championship, national championship, or top 3 finish or equivalent at the national level.  
  • Normally, a team will be considered after a minimum 5-year absence from varsity program.  
  • All teams who have won an CIAU/CIS/U SPORTS national championship will be eligible for induction into the Hall of Fame    
  • The Steering Committee shall be responsible for bringing this forward to the eligible inductees two (2) years prior to the team(s) Induction Year.

10. Selection Methodology 

A) Nominations 

    • Anyone interested in Saint Mary’s University athletics (e.g. faculty, staff, administration, alumni, athletes, students, the media and the general public) may nominate in any of the three categories: Athlete, Team or Builder. 
    • Nominations will be accepted from all sectors of the community; however, all nominations shall be endorsed by at least one (1) alumnus of Saint Mary’s University. 
    • A call for nominations shall be made in the spring of each year; however, nominations shall be accepted throughout the year. Nominations MUST be submitted on the official nomination form, available for download from the Athletics Department’s website. Incomplete nominations shall not be considered by the Selection Committee. 
  • Nominations received after the deadline in a given academic year will be considered in the FOLLOWING academic year.
  • Nominees not selected for induction will be automatically reconsidered the following academic year, unless the nomination is withdrawn. After two years, that individual/team would require re-nomination.
  • Nominations shall consist ONLY of the official nomination form and supporting documentation (i.e. letters of support).   

B) Research Responsibility  

  • Nominators must supply sufficient supportive detail with nominations to allow the Selection Committee to make a recommendation. 
  • All Induction nominations for the Hall will be submitted “as is” to the Selection Committee. If the Selection Committee deems any nomination(s) to have insufficient supportive detail, the Chair of the Selection Committee will notify the Chair of the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee Chair will then notify the nominator, also indicating through correspondence, that if additional supportive detail is not provided, that it is unlikely that further consideration of that nominee will be given. If additional supportive detail is provided by the nominator for Induction consideration in the following year, the nominee will be considered as a new nominee for that year and will have the three-year period for consideration. 
  • The Selection Committee is responsible for validating all of the information submitted on each nomination. It is not, however, responsible for undertaking the initial research.  

C) Selection Procedures  

  • The SHOF Committee is responsible for calling for nominations through various promotional vehicles such as social media and other content. 
  • The SHOF Committee reserves the right to induct individuals who are not nominated to ensure equity, diversity and inclusion of the Hall of Fame. 
  • The deadline for receipt of all completed nominations is March 31st of each year.  
  • All voting will take place by secret ballot. Confidentiality is imperative to preserve the reputation of the Hall of Fame & the selection process.  
  • Any nomination that is not successful will remain active for reconsideration in the subsequent two (2) years. If still unsuccessful the nomination may be resubmitted in its entirety after a period of one year. Normally, only one resubmission will be considered. 

D) Selection Quotas  

  • A maximum of three (3) inductees may be selected in any one year. Special or unusual circumstances will allow the Steering committee to consider more than three (3) being inducted. If no nominations are successful under D (iv), no induction ceremony will take place in that particular year. At the time of selection, a maximum of one (1) inductee only may be honoured posthumously in any one year.  

11. Presentation & Format  

A) Reception/Luncheon  

  • Saint Mary’s University Sport Hall of Fame Reception and/or Luncheon will normally be held annually on the Saturday of Homecoming weekend The Steering Committee Chair, or his/her designate will preside over the induction ceremony. The suggested starting time is 9:00 a.m for 10:00 a.m.
  • Individual inductees will be presented with a framed Induction Certificate. Members of teams being inducted will be presented with Induction Certificates suitable for framing, while a framed Induction Certificate will be presented to the coach or team designate.  

B) Display & Logistics  

  • A framed picture of each inductee will be displayed in an appropriate location in the Homburg Centre for Health & Wellness. 
  • Both picture and write up of the inductee will be archived on the Saint Mary’s University Sport Hall of Fame Website 

    12. Sub-Committees  

    • It is understood that any sub-committees formed through the Steering Committee will report back to the Steering Committee with recommendations. 

     **** Recommended that Policy & Procedure Manual be reviewed every two years. *****  

    Contact us

    Sport Hall of Fame & Heritage Centre
    Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
    920 Tower Road, 2nd floor

    Social media