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Site 14: Marble

Site 14

Author: Neoproterozoic (~600 Ma)
Language: Chrisholm Brook Formation

Age: Neoproterozoic (~600 Ma)

Geological Unit(s): Chrisholm Brook Formation

Site 14

Description: This rock is the result of metamorphism of a limestone protolith/parent rock. Like a limestone, this rock is rich in carbonate minerals (mainly calcite) and will fizz in acid. Whereas in the sedimentary protolith sediment grains are held together with cement like bricks and mortar, during metamorphism carbonate clasts (allochems) recrystallize and lock together much like jig-saw pieces in a puzzle. This results in a harder rock with no cementation agent around individual grains. This particular marble is contaminated by muds (silicate minerals) evidenced by the brownish layers within the rock. Marble makes an excellent building and sculpting stone, especially when pure and white. For instance, Michelangelo’s ‘David’.

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